Zanardi and the sport of life
The dramatic accident of the Italian Paralympian is another punch in the stomach in this doomed 2020. But his spirit shows us that there’s always a way back from hell for those who dare to stand up. Even without legs.
It isn’t about believing or not on the popular saying and the supposed cures of the leap years. We have been through a lot of bad news in the first half of 2020. Our lives were turned upside down with no certainty about the future. We are going around with a mask and can’t shake hands with our friends, let alone hug them.
It happened, we must bear with that, and the grief the virus brought in thousands of families. As it were not enough, Alex Zanardi’s crash struck us with the same violence his handbike collided with a truck along the hilly Tuscany roads. In the last 20 years, despite having lost both in a dramatic car accident, Alex has chosen to ride his bike. He did it with his arms, his big heart, his bright smile.
Those who consider Alex Zanardi merely as a sportsman are missing a piece. He is a legitimate champion in life, all the way. We have learned from him, like no other, the respect for impaired people, the right for a new chance every brave person can thrive. Bordering the irrational, he has shown how anyone can always find a new light in the dark by staying positive.
Moreover, Alex rewarded himself with the noble gift of storytelling about his experiences, emotions, and painful moments. He gives himself to the others driven by the desire to live beyond the limits, whatever they are for each individual.
Does Alex Zanardi gamble with his life? Not at all. He fully lives what any other man would have considered a hell. He walks without legs. He turns the pedals with his fantasy. He flies so high, and we wonder how we would feel without him.
But Alex keeps on fighting and stays with us. As for this troublesome and tragic year, we would instead let it go. As soon as possible.